It’s oh so quiet…..

Shocking discovery of the day is that I’m the same age (57) as elfinesque Icelandic pop songstress Bjork although I’m pleased to note she is a child of 1965 not 1966.

There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for Bjork to be appearing on a website dedicated to St Mary’s except that the only song of hers I know is the one called It’s Oh So Quiet.

So I’m using a gratuitous photo of the Queen of Reykjavik and borrowing her song title to reflect the paucity of material on this site since the turn of the year.

While I’d like to have a decent excuse I simply don’t - save to say that other aspects of life have taken over and I’ve been flung back out into the real world.

However, as emails continue to be received at ‘In Omnibus Labora’ Towers and old boys from far flung corners of the world continue to get in touch, I’m pledging to at least try to update the site more regularly.

After all next year marks the centenary of the opening of St Mary’s College on the original Main Road site and it will be ‘nice’ (I’m sure one of my English teachers at St Mary’s advised me never to fall back on that particular adjective) to have something in place.

So, unless I decide to head to Iceland myself, I have no excuse not to update this more regularly.

Watch this space!


Remembering Steve Dean


Alpha and proud of it!