RIP Jeff Ward

Remembering St Mary’s old boy Jeff Ward who died recently

Sad news reaches us of the death of Jeff Ward who started at St Mary’s in 1957, as part of the first intake at the new Grammar school opposite Queen’s Mary’s

Jeff came from the Penhill Road area of Bexley and kindly shared some memorabilia of his time at the school for We Did Our Homework On The Bus including the 1962 Prize Giving Programme.

Jeff was featured in that programme winning Third Place in the 5 Alpha Form Awards and the form prize for English.

Jeff’s details of St Mary’s were sketchy but he did remember ‘Spike’ Wilkinson and Fr ‘Muggsy’ McKeown.

After his retirement in 2010, Jeff volunteered for the Celia Hammond Animal Trust.

His children, Gayle and Alex, who have kindly allowed me to publish this on the website, shared news of their dad’s death and funeral on Facebook.

Gayle also shared this poignant section of his eulogy which, though sad, also raised a smile.


You were slightly deaf.


You smiled with a twinkle in your eyes, your humour surprised.


You rescued cats and made arrangements to ensure they always went to safer places.


You were my Dad, and although I’m sad, I’ll always be glad of the times we shared and laughs we had.


Sometimes ratty, loved your catty’s, no one’s perfect but you were a great Daddy.


When you were young you were a Hippie, when you were old you seemed so happy.

Father, Brother, Uncle, Son. So many things unsaid undone, rest in peace your pain is done.


RIP to Jeff from everyone in the St Mary’s family.

Jeff loved animals, rescued cats, and volunteered for the Celia Hammond Animal Trust after his retirement


RIP Jim Jackson


A mystery worthy of Deighton